CPS Journal articles by George, Francis and Horace Darwin donated to Darwin College Library
Photo: Dr Michael Rands, Master of Darwin College with CPS President Dr Claire Barlow. Behind a portrait by Robin Darwin (1910–1974) of Sir Charles Galton Darwin (1887–1962) who authored a number of the CPS papers donated to Darwin College.
Cambridge Philosophical Society President Dr Claire Barlow had the pleasure of presenting Dr Michael Rands, Master of Darwin College Cambridge to donate copies of CPS journals which members of the Darwin Family had contributed to during the 19th and 20th centuries. These included articles from three of Charles Darwin's sons; Sir George Howard Darwin, Francis Darwin and Horace Darwin. George Howard Darwin (1845-1912) being CPS president twice between 1890-1892 and 1910-1912. His brother, the botanist Francis Darwin, was CPS president between 1896 and 1898. George Howard Darwin's son, Charles Galton Darwin also contributed articles to the journals. Cambridge Philosophical Society President Dr Claire Barlow is herself a direct descendant of Charles Darwin.The Cambridge Philosophical Society holds a vast archive of material dating back to its foundation in 1819. Part of this archive includes our journal publications, which began in 1822. During this time numerous members of the Darwin family have contributed articles to both TRANSACTIONS (1822-1928) and PROCEEDINGS (1843-1954) of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Dr Edwin Rose, an AHRC Early Career Research Fellow from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science over saw the collection of the journals from the CPS archive. Dr Rose said:"It is a delight to see the donation of such important articles to Darwin College. These papers embody some the most significant work of George Howard Darwin and Charles Galton Darwin, two generations of the Darwin family of Newnham Grange, the property that became Darwin College in the mid-1960s. They also represent the broader scientific contributions of the Darwin family of Cambridge and their close relationship with the Cambridge Philosophical Society—something continued by Darwin College to this day." The Cambridge Philosophical Society has had a close connection with the Darwin Family since it's very foundation. Two of our founders, John Stevens Henslow and Adam Sedgwick were both mentor's of Charles Darwin at the University of Cambridge. John Stevens Henslow was also a friend of Darwin inspiring him with a passion for natural history, proposing him to sail on the HMS Beagle as the naturalist on its five-year voyage, and promoting Darwin’s work as he developed his theory of evolution.The fifteen offprints and journal parts come from both the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society and the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society and cover a variety of subjects in the biological, physical and mathematical sciences. The donated journals are:DARWIN, C. G. Lagrangian methods for high speed motion. 20 (1920) 56-60.The optical constants of matter. XXIII (1924) 137-67.Notes on optical constants. I. The optical behaviour of certain atomic models. 22 (1925) 817-23. II. The lateral scattering from a gas. 22 (1925) 824-31.The diamagnetism of the free electron. 27 (1931) 86-90.Note on hydrodynamics. 49 (1953) 342-54.DARWIN, C. G. & FOWLER, R.H. Partition functions for temperature radiation and the internalenergy of a crystalline solid. 21 (1922) 262-73.Fluctuations in an assembly in statistical equilibrium. 21 (1923) 391-404.Some refinements of the theory of dissociation equilibria. 21 (1923) 730-45.DARWIN, F. Observations on stomata by a new method. 9 (1897) 303-8.On Farmer's method of demonstrating assimilation. 9 (1898) 338-40.Preliminary note on the function of the root-tip in relation to geotropism. 11 (1901) 134-5.DARWIN, F. & PERTZ, D. F. M. On the effect of water currents on the assimilation of aquaticplants. 9 (1896) 76-90.On the injection of the intercellular spaces occurring in the leaves of Elodea during recoveryfrom plasmolysis. 9 (1897) 272.DARWIN, F. & PHILLIPS, R. W. On the transpiration-stream in cut branches. 5 (1886) 330-67.See also BATESON, A. & DARWIN; PERTZ & DARWIN.DARWIN, G. H. On the perturbation of a comet in the neighbourhood of a planet. 7 (1892)314-19.DARWIN, H. On a self-recording barometer. 5 (1886) 378-80.
Photo: CPS Journals donated to Darwin College
Cambridge Philosophical Society President Dr Claire Barlow is herself a direct descendant of Charles Darwin and took part in 'Cambridge Darwins in Conversation' in which three Cambridge-based direct descendants of Charles Darwin reflected on how family connections have influenced their lives and their scientific careers. Paula Darwin is working for her PhD on obesity; Professor Roger Keynes is a neuroscientist; Dr Claire Barlow is a materials engineer. The conversation was chaired by Dr Alison Pearn, Associate Director of the Darwin Correspondence Project.
From Darwin’s paper on evolution to the development of stem cell research, publications from the Society continue to shape the scientific landscape.
Mathematical Proceedings is one of the few high-quality journals publishing original research papers that cover the whole range of pure and applied mathematics, theoretical physics and statistics.
Biological Reviews covers the entire range of the biological sciences, presenting several review articles per issue. Although scholarly and with extensive bibliographies, the articles are aimed at non-specialist biologists as well as researchers in the field.
The Spirit of Inquiry celebrates the 200th anniversary of the remarkable Cambridge Philosophical Society and brings to life the many remarkable episodes and illustrious figures associated with the Society, including Adam Sedgwick, Mary Somerville, Charles Darwin, and Lawrence Bragg.
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More powerful, longer-lasting, faster-charging batteries – made from increasingly more sustainable resources and manufacturing processes – are required for low-carbon transport and stable electricity supplies in a “net zero” world. Rechargeable batteries are the most efficient way of storing renewable electricity; they are required for electrifying transport as well as for storing electricity on both micro and larger electricity grids when intermittent renewables cannot meet electricity demands. The first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries were developed for, and were integral to, the portable electronics revolution. The development of the much bigger batteries needed for transport and grid storage comes, however, with a very different set of challenges, which include cost, safety and sustainability. New technologies are being investigated, such as those involving reactions between Li and oxygen/sulfur, using sodium and magnesium ions instead of lithium, or involving the flow of materials in an out of the electrochemical cell (in redox flow batteries). Importantly, fundamental science is key to producing non-incremental advances and to develop new strategies for energy storage and conversion.
This talk will start by describing existing battery technologies, what some of the current and more long-term challenges are, and touch on strategies to address some of the issues. I will then focus on my own work – together with my research group and collaborators – to develop new characterisation (NMR, MRI, and X-ray diffraction and optical) methods that allow batteries to be studied while they are operating (i.e., operando). These techniques allow transformations of the various cell components to be followed under realistic conditions without having to disassemble and take apart the cell. We can detect key side reactions involving the various battery materials, in order to determine the processes that are responsible ultimately for battery failure. We can watch ions diffusing in, and moving in and out of, the active “electrode” materials that store the (lithium) ions and the electrons, to understand how the batteries function. Finally, I will discuss the challenges in designing batteries that can be rapidly charged and discharged.
Musical instruments like the clarinet and saxophone do not obviously have anything in common with a bowed violin string. This talk will explore the physics behind how these instruments work, and it will reveal some unexpectedly strong parallels between them. This is all the more surprising because all of them rely on strongly nonlinear phenomena, and nonlinear systems are notoriously tricky: significant commonalities between disparate systems are rare. For all the instruments, computer simulations will be used to give some insight into questions a musician may ask: What variables must a player control, and how? Why are some instruments “easier to play” than others?
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