
Indices of the Cambridge Philosophical Society - 1821-1971

Author Index to Proceedings Volumes 1 to 50 (1843-1954) and Transactions Volumes 1 to 23 (1822-1928)

Author Index to Proceedings Volumes 1 to 50 (1843-1954) and Transactions Volumes 1 to 23 (1822-1928)

The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society were published between 1822 and 1928. Parts appeared at irregular intervals and the volumes contain varying numbers of parts. The Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo­sophical Society first appeared in 1844, and the early volumes, like the Transactions, had varying numbers of parts issued at irregular intervals. From 1928 the Proceedings began to appear at regular quarterly intervals, and from Volume 24 each volume (with the exceptions of Volumes 32 and 39 to 42) has four parts issued in a single year. The dates of issue of the Transactions and of the Proceedings are given in the tables on the following pages. The early volumes of the Proceedings consist, for the most part, of accounts of meetings and brief summaries of papers read to the Society, many of which were afterwards printed in full in the Transactions. In this index the references to the Pro­ceedings are given first with the volume number in Arabic numerals, and the reference to the Transactions follows, with the volume number in Roman numerals. When the Proceedings mentions only the title of a paper, but gives no summary, no entry has been included, unless the paper also appears in the Transactions, when only the Transactions reference is given.

An index to Volumes 1 to 12 of the Transactions was published with Volume 13. The index now published is the first cumulative index of the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Its preparation and publication have been made possible by the bequest made to the Society by the late Dr F. W. Aston. The Society is most grateful to all those who have assisted in compiling this index, and in particular to its librarian, Miss J. E. Larter.

Publication of this Index has been made possible by the bequest of the late Dr F. W. Aston, (1 September 1877 – 20 November 1945).


Published in print: 1961
Published by the Cambridge Philosophical Society


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