A proud tradition of prize giving since 1862
The Society is always looking for ways to help further the work of today’s scientists and it awards a number of prizes for new publications, inventions, investigations or discoveries in the fields of mathematics, physics and the natural sciences. Awards given are the Sir Isaac Newton Bursary, the William Bate Hardy Prize and the William Hopkins Prize.
The following are the regulations for the William Hopkins Prize
1. That the Prize be called ‘The William Hopkins Prize’.
2. That the Prize be adjudged once in three years.
3. (a) That the Prize be awarded in connection with work in Mathematico-Physical or Mathematico-Experimental science or Mathematics alone or Experimental Physics alone by a member of the University of Cambridge, either
(b) Each Prize for the best publication, invention, investigation or discovery may be awarded to the laboratory or group responsible for it (or to an individual in the case of individual work). It may be restricted to a laboratory or group in or closely associated with, the University of Cambridge.
4. That the fund be vested in the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and the Prize be adjudged by three Fellows of the Society, nominated by the Council of the Society for each occasion.
5. That, in the event of any difficulty arising in carrying out the above provisions in any particular instance, either from lack of a prize-subject of sufficient merit, or from any other cause, the Council of the Cambridge Philosophical Society be at liberty to carry over the amount of the Prize for that term towards augmenting the fund for future prizes, or to award it to someone not a member of the University.
6. That the value of the Prize be £1000, or such sum as shall from time to time be determined by the Council.
The following are the regulations for the William Bate Hardy Prize
1. That the Prize be called the 'William Bate Hardy Prize'.
2. That this Prize be adjudged once in three years.
3. (a) That the Prize be awarded in connection with work in Biological Science by a member of the University of Cambridge, either
(i) for the best publication, invention, investigation or discovery that has been published during the three years immediately preceding (but that the adjudicators may, if it seem to them advisable in any particular case, award the prize for a publication, invention, investigation or discovery which has not been published within the aforementioned period) or
(ii) to an individual for an especially distinguished contribution in early career, or
(iii) in recognition of a lifetime contribution.
4. That the Prize be adjudged by three Fellows of the Society, nominated by the Council of the Society for each occasion.
5. That, in the event of any difficulty arising in carrying out the above provisions in any particular instance, either from lack of a prize-subject of sufficient merit, or from any other cause, the Council of the Cambridge Philosophical Society be at liberty not to award the Prize or to award it to someone not a member of the University.
The Society offers bursaries for nominated participants to programmes at the Isaac Newton Institute. These bursaries are intended to enable the participation for a limited period of time of meritorious younger individuals for whom financial backing may not otherwise be available (perhaps for reasons of age, background, or scientific development).
In awarding these bursaries, the Society hopes to aid the professional development of the recipients, while at the same time contributing to the scientific targets of the Isaac Newton Institute.
Eight bursaries of £250.00 each are awarded annually by the Council of the Society, following recommendations from the Institute.
From Darwin’s paper on evolution to the development of stem cell research, publications from the Society continue to shape the scientific landscape.
Mathematical Proceedings is one of the few high-quality journals publishing original research papers that cover the whole range of pure and applied mathematics, theoretical physics and statistics.
Biological Reviews covers the entire range of the biological sciences, presenting several review articles per issue. Although scholarly and with extensive bibliographies, the articles are aimed at non-specialist biologists as well as researchers in the field.
The Spirit of Inquiry celebrates the 200th anniversary of the remarkable Cambridge Philosophical Society and brings to life the many remarkable episodes and illustrious figures associated with the Society, including Adam Sedgwick, Mary Somerville, Charles Darwin, and Lawrence Bragg.
Become a Fellow of the Society and enjoy the benefits that membership brings. Membership costs £20 per year.
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In the millennium poll, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was voted the third greatest physicist of all time – behind Newton and Einstein. He is best known for his equations of electromagnetism and thermodynamic relations, but his interests and achievements extended far beyond these fields. His profound insights across many extraordinarily diverse areas have laid the foundations for much of contemporary physical science.
The day will begin with an overview of James Clerk Maxwell’s life and achievements. The talks following will focus on just a few of the fields where he did seminal work, and in which current research is revealing interesting developments.
There will be a small exhibition of artefacts including some of Maxwell’s models from the Cavendish collection. The exhibition catalogue can be found here
James Clerk Maxwell had strong links with the Cambridge Philosophical Society during his time at Cambridge. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate – initially at Peterhouse, but moving to Trinity before the end of his first term. He graduated in 1854, and shortly afterwards presented his first paper On the transformation of surfaces by bending to the Cambridge Philosophical Society. His career took him to Aberdeen, King’s College London and ther family estates at Glenlair before returning to Cambridge in 1871 to become the first Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics. He was President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1875-1877. In 1879 he died in Cambridge at the age of 48.
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Office Hours: (Temporarily closed)Monday and Thursday -10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm.