Edward Clarke

5 June 1769 – 9 March 1822

Society Timeline

  1. 1819

    Cambridge Philosophical Society Founded

  2. 1846

    New Botanic Garden opens

  3. 1848

    New Fitzwilliam Museum building opens

  4. 1851

    Natural Sciences Tripos starts

  5. 1874

    Cavendish laboratory opens

  6. 1884

    Balfour laboratory for women opens

  7. 1914

    Women first eligible as honorary fellows of CPS

    Marie Curie
    Marie Curie
  8. 1929

    Women eligible to be full fellows of CPS

  9. 1948

    Women first awarded degrees

  10. 1967

    Philosophical Library becomes Scientific Periodicals Library

  11. 2010

    Henslow Fellowship scheme launched

  12. 2019

    Society’s Bicentenary

    Blue Plaque, Saints Passage, Cambridge
    Blue Plaque, Saints Passage, Cambridge


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Professor Lisa Hall

Professor Lisa Hall, CBE

  • 18:00 - 19:00 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre Michaelmas Term

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Professor Holger Babinsky

  • 18:00 - 19:00 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre Michaelmas Term

Larmor Lecture

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