Mathematical Proceedings


Mathematical Proceedings is one of the few high-quality journals publishing original research papers that cover the whole range of pure and applied mathematics, theoretical physics and statistics. All branches of pure mathematics are covered, in particular logic and foundations, number theory, algebra, geometry, algebraic and geometric topology, classical and functional analysis, differential equations, probability and statistics. On the applied side, mechanics, mathematical physics, relativity and cosmology are included.

What Mathematical Proceedings has to offer:

  • Fast publication times
  • Flexible policy on nature of articles, with scope for extensive tables and diagrams
  • International exposure with a global circulation

Aims and scope

Papers which advance knowledge of mathematics, either pure or applied, will be considered by the Editorial Committee. The work must be original and not submitted to another journal.

Instructions for contributors

Download the Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society instructions for contributors here: Download Instruction for Contributors in PDF.

Download the Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society class file here.

Submission of manuscripts

Papers should be submitted online.

Papers in languages other than English should be sent only after prior consultation with the Editor, who may be contacted at the e-mail address above.

When a paper has been accepted for publication the relevant TeX files of the final version, accompanied by a pdf file, should be sent to the Editor by e-mail.

The class file, together with a guide, PSP2egui.tex, and sample pages, PSP2esam.tex, can be downloaded here.

These files will be updated periodically: please ensure that you have the latest version.

Preparation of manuscripts

Authors are strongly encouraged to prepare their manuscripts in LaTeX 2e using the PSP class file.

Papers produced in the recommended way can be printed directly from author-prepared electronic files: this substantially reduces errors at the printers. While the use of the PSP class file is preferred, other LaTeX or plain TeX files are also acceptable. In case standard electronic preparation is impossible papers may be typed, double-spaced, on one side of white paper (of which A4, 210 by 297mm, is a suitable size). The pages must be numbered. Margins of 30mm should be left at the side and bottom of each page.

A cover page should give the title, the author's name and institution, with the address to which mail should be sent.

The title, while brief, must be informative (e.g. A new proof of the prime number theorem, whereas, some applications of a theorem of G. H. Hardy would be useless).

Authors are asked to provide an abstract as a basis for a search on the Web. This may be an explicit abstract at the start of the paper. Otherwise, the first paragraph or two should form a summary of the main theme of the paper, providing an abstract intelligible to mathematicians. Please note that the abstract should be able to be read independently of the main text. References should therefore not be included in the abstract.

Authors are encouraged to check that where references are given, they are used in the text. Experience has shown that unused references have a habit of surviving into the final version of the manuscript.


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Why there’s no such thing as “the” scientific advice

Professor Stephen John

  • 18:00 - 19:00 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre Lent Term

During the Covid-19 pandemic, U.K. policy-makers claimed to be "following the science". Many commentators objected that the government did not live up to this aim. Others worried that policy-makers ought not blindly "follow" science, because this involves an abdication of responsibility. In this talk, I consider a third, even more fundamental concern: that there is no such thing as "the" science. Drawing on the case of adolescent vaccination against Covid-19, I argue that the best that any scientific advisory group can do is to offer a partial perspective on reality. In turn, this has important implications for how we think about science and politics. 

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Protein self-assembly – understanding and controlling the machinery of life

Professor Tuomas Knowles

  • 18:00 - 19:00 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre Lent Term

Proteins are the active molecules of life. However, most proteins do not work on their own in health or disease; a key challenge, therefore, is understanding how these molecules interact with each other to give rise to function or malfunction. This talk will outline our efforts to discover, understand and use the basic principles that drive protein assembly into larger scale structures and phases. I will discuss how controlling transitions between such phases can help us ameliorate biological malfunction when it occurs in disease, and well as develop new classes of functional materials.

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